Flooding and High Water
Flooding and high water levels can quickly cause dangerous conditions to exist on timberland. Some simple steps prior to, during, and after flooding may help protect your property.
Follow the safety tips below to help protect your land and yourself:
Prior to a Flood:
- Consider opening gates so neighboring properties or emergency personnel can have access to the property.
- Move all portable equipment and campers to higher ground.
- If storage sheds are on the property, open doors so flooding water can move through the building and not against the building.
- Remove any fuel or gasoline. Shut off and secure propane tanks.
- Tie down or remove tree stands and hunting blinds. Secure any property that may be pushed during high water such as lumber, logs, or metal roofing.
During the Flood
- Do not ignore evacuation orders and follow evacuation routes.
- Never drive into or walk through flood water. This is the main cause of death during a flood. Not only does it put you in danger, it may also put emergency responders in danger.
- Fast flowing flood water may also contain floating and hidden debris, sewage, and dangerous chemicals.
- Water is generally deeper, faster flowing and more forceful than most people expect.
- If trapped it may be safer to retreat to higher ground and wait.
After the Flood:
- Only enter the property once flood waters have receded to a safe level.
- Be mindful of snakes that may have retreated to vehicles, tractors, hunting blinds or other structures. Even if not venomous the reaction to their presence may cause injury (falls from tree stands).
- Throw away any food that may have been exposed to flood waters.
- Stay safe during any clean up. Wear protective clothing and do not over exert yourself.
- Be careful of power lines and other utility Right of Ways. Immediately report any downed power lines or natural gas odors. Never enter wet areas with downed power lines.
- Report any hazardous material or unusual chemicals that may have entered the timberland from flood waters.
- Do not go on-site alone or without someone knowing your location.